500 ml
Bkr's 500 ml BPA-free glass water bottle.
Grace is an opaque light periwinkle blue. Inspired by a real inner radiance and not by a pretentious lofty perch from which to view mere clumsy mortals, not perfect, not always well-behaved, or college-bound A students, not precious and highfalutin, but instead the state that makes us alive, where we get through the worst there is with dignity in spite of our mortality, the capacity to respond with compassion, with depth, breadth, complexity and profundity, tolerance, generosity, integrity, gratitude, a heart full of love and a deep appreciation of human connection. Don’t you give up, ever. You and I are in this together.
James is an opaque soft sage green. Inspired by forever friends, the ones there for you in all your dark and light moments, crying with you before they even know what you’re crying about, ordering sushi at midnight together, a thousand conversations on a purple velvet sofa, understanding every micro-emotion that washes over the other, pink champagne to celebrate important nothings, a sisterhood of choice, and every hang seems to end in a dance party in the kitchen somewhere between a red stove and attunement, trust, laughter, sage green walls, and the emotional neosporin that is us. Never mind romance, a friendship is the real love story.
Jil is an opaque periwinkle blue. Inspired by the beyond-famous artist who lives and breathes to constantly redefine herself, who pushes boundaries, loves hard, is committed wholeheartedly to theater with no intermission, who stands for something, genuinely doesn’t care what other people think, celebrates imperfections and emboldens the kid in the playground who feels lonely and disconnected because she used to be that kid. She had a boyfriend who told her she’d never succeed and he hoped she’d fail. She said to him, ‘Someday, when we’re not together, you won’t be able to order a cup of coffee at the deli without hearing or seeing me.
Sloane is an opaque foggy gray lilac. Inspired by a girl described in a classic love letter to Chicago. She’s rich but unaffected, outspoken but sensitive and altruistic, she’s pretty but she’s nice, she rebels against authority but in a sweet-tempered and almost respectful kind of way, she’s ultra-chill no matter what, confident, thoughtful, reliable, observant and even, she wears the only fringe jacket you’d ever truly covet in life and tall white boots way before they were a thing, she believes in love. You knew what you were doing when you woke up this morning, didn’t you?
500 ml